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Victim Locator Kit

Product code: 0113-01-015

SAVOX Hardline Victim Locator Kit is lightweight, portable, battery powered and can be operated by a single rescuer. Multiple kits can be deployed simultaneously on the same site without interfering with each other. It is a completely stand alone system that gives a single rescuer the ability to search a collapse. On location of a victim, two-way voice communication is established immediately. The kit is designed for:

  • Confined space rescue
  • Collapse rescue
  • Urban search and rescue

The Victim Locator Kit is a two-way communications system designed to provide responders with a basic means of quickly locating victims and establishing communication. The lightweight system can be easily deployed by a single rescuer to search a collapsed structure.

The kit’s rescue probe consists of a waterproof, shock resistant speaker and microphone enclosed in a cylindrical, stainless steel shell. The probe, measuring 1.65” in diameter, easily passes through a 2” bore hole. It can be attached to a PVC pipe or rope and lowered into collapsed structures, sewers, mine shafts or rubble piles.

The rescue probe is not a replacement for the Delsar LifeDetector (seismic and acoustic listening sensors), but rather an additional tool to assist with victim location and communication.

Key Benefits

  • The probe is constructed of a very rugged stainless steel with a durable nylon tip The rescue probe is a full duplex two-way communication device, giving rescuers the ability to hear victims as well as talk to them
  • Attaching metal or PVC pipe to the back of the probe allows rescuers to push it deeply into a collapse through holes, cracks, etc
  • The diameter of the probe body is 1.65” which allows it to easily pass through a 2: bore hole
  • Uses a sensitive omni directional microphone
  • Interchangeable with all Con-Space Hardline Communications Systems
Additional Information
Market Segment Public Safety
Product code 0113-01-015
Weight 11.8 kg
Options Various headset options
Various cable lengths
Full-duplex, Two-way Voice Communication Yes
Number of Users 2
Private Communication Network Yes
Alarm Functionality Optional
Rescue Probe Yes

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