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Savox Dismounted Soldier System

Soldiers as an Integrated Part of Data Systems

Savox Dismounted Soldier System (DSS) incorporates advanced elements for unrivaled mission efficiency. The network-enabled capability and the de-centralized architecture support self-sustained efficiency on the squad/patrol level and allows for faster decision-making. Savox DSS is broadband data enabled, provides ad-hoc networking, and takes advantage of the latest MIMO&MANET radio technology. Sensor interfaces and broadband data-capable networks together with advanced user interfaces enhance real-time common operating picture sharing.

Savox Dismounted Soldier System is a modular and scalable solution that can be customized to meet the exact user requirements.

Savox DSS enables easy integration of platform systems. Voice communications use the proven Savox IMP system. Data-enabled networking brings in new capabilities such as video streaming and common operating picture sharing. In practice, the same information becomes instantly available for the whole team: commander, platforms, squad.

  • Ensured flow of critical information and improves situational awareness and operational efficiency
  • Easily scalable from a small team up to multiple users over multiple locations and always tailored and specified to the userĀ“s exact needs and requirements
  • Faster orient-decide-act cycle
  • Seamless integration with platform and other user systems (e.g., battle management systems, data nets, sensors)
  • Future proof - interfaces for extensions and upgrades
  • Complete solution with full lifecycle support from specification, system set-up, training, support, and service

Savox Dismounted Soldier System Products:


SAVOX Noise-COM 200

SAVOX Warrior Core

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