Delsar Mini
Compact listening device for rapid search
Rapid victim detection
The Savox Delsar Mini is a two-sensor seismic/acoustic listening device specifically designed for hasty searches. This compact kit can be swiftly deployed on rubble piles to convert the entire collapsed structure into a large, sensitive microphone that captures sounds and vibrations from trapped victims.
Utilizing the same mission-proven technology and functionality as the Delsar LD3 six-sensor listening device, the Delsar Mini is equipped with two seismic sensors and one acoustic sensor allowing for quick victim detection and location especially in the primary search phase on rubble piles.
Product highlights
The choice of top-tier professional USAR teams. Trusted and proven in diverse incidents globally.
Unrivaled sensitivity and mission-proven performance exclusive to the original Savox Delsar. Optimized for quick primary search.
Automatic sensor identification and full flexibility in sensor positioning.
Monitoring of the signal by visual display and headset.
Kit component list
Delsar LD3 Mini with lanyard strap
Headphone with boom microphone
Seismic sensors (2x)
Sensor spike (2x)
Magnetic sensor clamp (2x)
Acoustic sensor
Sensor connecting cable 10 m (30') (2x)
Battery cartridge (2x)
18650 lithium battery (4x)
Disposable battery adapter tube
Waterproof hardcase
Chargers and batteries are fully compatible with Savox SearchCam 3000, Recon III and Delsar Mini equipment.
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